I don't use use recipes, I just cook. Some recipes are complete and some not so much. Got a question or need more detail? Ask me. If you try a recipe please leave a comment about how you liked it, or didn't, and any variations that you did. Recipes are not scientific formulas, and it is useful to see how ingredients and amounts can be altered to get a different result.
Hobo Omelette 2
Making individual omelettes for a crowd isn't much fun. Then again, going out to a restaurant and emptying your wallet for mediocre food and lousy coffee isn't much fun either!The solution is to make an incredible Hobo Omelette. Use what you have on hand. This is fast because you don't need a recipe.
What I had on hand
Cheddar Cheese
Portugesse sausage
Poblano Peppers
Small red and gold potatoes
Fresh baby ginger
Smoked pork for tacos (left over)
Shrimp (left over)
Worcester sauce
Soy sauce
The only key ingredients are potatoes, onions, eggs and cheese. I like sharp cheddar because it stands out. Montery Jack or other mild cheese just adds calories without bringing anything special to the party. Red or gold potatoes are best; just dice and use. Russet potatoes need to be rinsed well after cutting to get rid of excess starch. If you have some odd stuff like baby ginger laying around throw it in otherwise don't worry about it. I used a little Worcester sauce for umami and added some soy sauce for salt and additional umami; Nether of these are critical.
1. Pre. Fast and simple

2. Get the potatoes and onions cooking first

3. Now the Peppers. I didn't want to over cook them.

4. The linguine was already cooked If not, I would have added it sooner.

4. Dump everything onto a plate, heat up the pan and pour in the beaten eggs. Note the smoked pork and shrimp were added.

5. Cook the eggs briefly then finish under the broiler until they are just barely set.

6. Dump the good stuff on top, layer the cheese and back under the broiler.

7. Serve